“Career path in logistics” – Nagel Austria and “DIE Karrierlinge” shaping the future of apprenticeship training in the logistics industry

In the dynamically evolving world of freight forwarding and logistics, the “DIE Karrierlinge” project offers a comprehensive approach to supporting apprenticeship training. Focused on the logistics discipline within the freight forwarding and logistics sectors, the program relies on individual potential assessments and scientifically based methods to create a tailored development plan for each participant.

from left: Johannes Winterleitner (Geschäftsführer Nagel Austria GmbH), Tamara Moravcevic (Lehrlingsbeauftragte Traiskirchen), Dodo Franta (Lehrling am Standort Traiskirchen), Philipp Pracser (Niederlassungsleiter am Standort Traiskirchen), Chiara Kainz (Lehrlingsbeauftragte Traiskirchen), Erich Neuwirth (Geschäftsführer, Programmgründer und Trainer der Karrierlinge)

The challenges in the freight forwarding and logistics area are diverse, from specializations to advancing digitalization. At the same time, the lack of knowledge about the field contributes to the fact that only a few young people choose this path. “DIE Karrierlinge” addresses these challenges by starting with the training of apprentices in freight forwarding and logistics, thus helping to shape the skilled professionals of tomorrow. The focus is not only on the technical aspects but also on the personal development of the participants.

“DIE Karrierlinge” aims to accompany young people during the crucial first three years of their careers and to fully exploit their potential. This contributes not only to individual development but also to solving the problem of skilled labor shortages in the industry.

New to supporting this project is the Nagel-Group with its subsidiary Nagel Austria. The company actively participates in “DIE Karrierlinge”, which is supported by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology. The participation of the Nagel-Group underscores its commitment to targeted training and support in the logistics industry. “As a company, it’s important to invest in the training of our future skilled workers. ‘DIE Karrierlinge’ enables us to specifically support our apprentices and prepare them for their professional future,” says Lisa Zumbo, HR Business Partner at Nagel Austria.

The program targets prospective freight forwarding clerks and related professions, particularly from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across Austria. This regional flexibility allows for an inter-state exchange of participants.

At the beginning of the “DIE Karrierlinge” program, a survey of the participants’ strengths and development areas takes place using the “Career Magnifier”. The results of this potential assessment form the basis for an individual development plan that accompanies the apprentices throughout their training journey.

from left: Helene Eichhorn (Social Media Creator and trainer of the career apprentices), Filip Sestan (apprentice at the Zettling site), Angelika Strauss (Head of Training Austria and Apprentice Representative at the Zettling site)

“The personal support in the program has enabled me to better navigate a constantly changing professional field. It’s great to see that the Nagel-Group is investing in my professional development,” adds Theodora Franta, a prospective freight forwarding clerk at Nagel Austria. In addition to individual coaching on subject-specific or professional topics, the focus of the program is also on developing social competencies, which are worked on together with the apprentices in several training modules.

“DIE Karrierlinge” thus offers not only comprehensive support during apprenticeship training but also promotes personal development and career planning of the participants to ensure a successful career start.

“Before DIE Karrierlinge, I didn’t know what to expect. The program not only helped me prepare for the challenges but also helped me define my career goals more clearly,” emphasizes Filip, an apprentice from Nagel Austria.