Multi-temp system in Nuremberg: Nagel-Group puts automated high-bay warehouse into operation

Nuremberg, 05.06.2024. Around 27,000 pallets can be stored at minus 24 degrees Celsius: Nagel-Group has completed the expansion of its logistics site in Nuremberg.

Following the expansion into a modern multi-temp facility, the site is now equipped with an automated high-bay warehouse, photovoltaic systems and storage capacities for all temperature ranges. The commissioning of the expansion was celebrated on June 4, 2024 with 50 guests. Nagel-Group has invested more than 60 million euros in the major project in the Nuremberg-Feucht industrial estate directly on the A6.

“This fully automated high-bay warehouse is unique in the Nagel world, here we can serve all temperature ranges and with state-of-the-art technology,” said Marion Nagel, Chairwoman of the Nagel-Group Board of Directors, at the opening. “I would like to express my thanks to the project team for bringing this mega project to a successful conclusion. The result is both fantastic and impressive.”

Marion Nagel, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors, Tobias Nagel (right) and Carsten Taucke, CEO of Nagel-Group, are delighted with the successful completion of the expansion of the multi-temp facility in Nuremberg together with branch manager Stephan Speckner.

Nagel-Group now operates a state-of-the-art logistics facility for fresh and frozen products on the 60,000 square meter site. With its transshipment warehouse, the Nuremberg site is an important hub for food logistics in all temperature ranges. Dairy products, sweets, meat and sausage products from customers are shipped throughout Germany and Europe.

“With this ultra-modern facility, we are well positioned for the future. It is 35 meters high, more than 1,300 tons of steel were used for the high-bay warehouse. And all of this was implemented during ongoing operations, which all employees at the site have mastered fantastically,” said Carsten Taucke, CEO of Nagel-Group.

The extension was completed in one and a half years. Nagel-Group Real Estate relied on Bremer as its construction partner, while Kardex Mlog installed the high-bay warehouse along with the modern technology.

The multi-temp system is designed to be energy-efficient and resource-saving. In addition to the expansion of storage capacity, a large truck workshop for the region and a parking garage with 208 parking spaces were built. All new parts of the building were equipped with photovoltaic systems. The electricity generated is consumed directly on site, and a cooling system with low refrigerant use and intensive heat recovery was also installed.


About the Nagel-Group

Nagel-Group, which specialises in food logistics and operates throughout Europe, is based in Versmold and employs over 11,000 people at more than 130 locations. Most recently, the company generated a turnover of 2.2 billion euros. Every day, the group moves foodstuffs in all consignment sizes and temperature classes. Whether frozen products, meat, dairy products, coffee or confectionery – day after day, Nagel-Group works on behalf of industry and retail to ensure that consumers throughout Europe find the right goods at the right time and in the right quality at the point of sale. Nagel-Group thus makes a significant contribution to the success of its customers.

Press contact

Julian Mester <br>press spokesperson</br>

Julian Mester
press spokesperson