Nagel-Group Trendradar provides insights into future trends in logistics

What do logistics service providers need to prepare for in the future? Nagel-Group’s new Trendradar 2024 provides the answers. The interactive tool offers the logistics industry valuable insights into upcoming developments and shows which technologies will have the greatest impact on logistics and Nagel-Group.

Organized according to the global megatrends, the individual trends are evaluated and classified in the Trendradar and additional background information and recommendations for action are provided for each trend. This allows users to gain a quick and well-founded overview of developments from the macro to the micro level using specific trend examples. The focus is on new trends such as multimodal artificial intelligence, circular economy and “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion” (DEI).

One focus is on the integration of different AI models to solve complex problems and open up new opportunities. It also presents innovative strategies to promote a circular economy that aims to use resources efficiently and reduce environmental impact. It also outlines how to create a diverse, equitable and inclusive working environment where everyone can reach their full potential. “The multimodality of AI systems in particular is bringing about immense technological progress and thus new use cases,” explains Sven Kreciszewski, IT Innovation Manager at Nagel-Group.

One example of Nagel-Group’s commitment to sustainability is LEAFR. The corporate venture develops sustainable solutions for the last mile with temperature-controlled products. Based in Hamburg, the start-up relies on purely electric means of transportation and modern logistics management to offer an environmentally friendly solution for refrigerated food logistics in the city.

“Our aim is not only to highlight current trends in logistics, but also to keep an eye on future trends today,” explains Michael Lütjann, Chief Information Officer of Nagel-Group. “With the publication of the Trendradar 2024, we are inviting our customers and partners to join us in shaping the future of logistics.”

The Trendradar 2024 is now available on the Nagel-Group website and offers comprehensive information on the most important trends that will shape the logistics industry today and in the future. Nagel-Group is thus underlining its commitment to innovation and sustainable solutions in logistics.

Click here for the Nagel-Group Trendradar.