Top-graduates of the Nagel-Group celebrate outstanding successes at the elbphilharmonie

Hamburg, 01.10.2024 – Nagel-Group’s annual top graduate event took place on 25 and 26 September 2024. Together with Marion Nagel, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors, and Carsten Taucke, CEO of Nagel-Group, 15 young graduates celebrated their outstanding examination results. The graduating class of 2024 set an example for excellent performance and commitment.

Outstanding achievements honoured

In a festive setting at the Hamburg Elbphilharmonie concert hall and the Nagel-Group branch, the five best industrial trainees, business people and dual students were honoured for their outstanding achievements. All of the young talents completed their three-year training programme with top marks in theory and practice and also impressed with their exceptional commitment at their locations.

Marion Nagel, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and Isabelle Rotzoll, Head of Training Germany at Nagel-Group

The graduates’ remarkable projects included, among others:

Jasmin Fellhölter developed a sustainable regional dish as a sustainability ambassador, which is now served in the canteen at the headquarters. Enrico Fröse was also active as a sustainability ambassador and made a significant contribution to the realisation of projects that promote Nagel-Group’s sustainability goals.

As part of the ‘Tech Heros’ student project, top graduates worked with Nagel-Group’s RPA team and three students to develop a PowerApp for training fairs. This innovative solution is now helping Nagel-Group to recruit new talent.

In her welcoming speech, Marion Nagel emphasised the importance of these successes: “Not only have you all shown above-average performance during your training, but you have also proven that you put your heart and mind into Nagel-Group. You are the future of our company, and it fills me with pride to witness your development.”

An event with depth and outlook

The first day of the two-day event began with the honouring of the top graduates in the Elbphilharmonie. In personal discussions with Marion Nagel and Carsten Taucke, the graduates reflected on their training at Nagel-Group and talked about their individual career paths. Dilara Ünlü, one of the award-winning forwarding and logistics services clerks at the Reichenbach site, said: “The support I received during my training was exceptional. I was particularly impressed by the strong network within the company.”

Marion Nagel also shared personal insights with the graduates. She spoke in depth about important milestones in her training, how she identifies with the company and her duties as Chairwoman of the Nagel-Group Board of Directors.

Insights into the Port of Hamburg – experiencing logistics up close

On the plaza of the Elbphilharmonie concert hall, Isabelle Rottzoll, Head of Training Germany, announced another highlight of the day’s programme, a joint port logistics tour. The graduates were eagerly awaiting the upcoming tour, which would give them the opportunity to experience the practical side of port logistics at close quarters.

During the trip, the top graduates were informed by an expert guide about the logistical challenges and processes in one of Europe’s largest transhipment ports. The tour took them through central transshipment centres and warehouses, where the handling and distribution of goods was explained in detail.

“The harbour visit was a fantastic opportunity to grasp the size and complexity of the logistics industry,” said Yannik Lingner, a top graduate from the Bad Grönenbach site. “It’s impressive to see how seamlessly the different transport routes are connected.”

The day ended with a joint dinner in the traditional Oberhafen canteen, where the graduates had the opportunity to talk to Nagel-Group managers in an informal setting and share their impressions of the day.

Carsten Taucke, CEO of Nagel-Group

Diverse career paths at Nagel-Group

The second day of the event offered graduates the opportunity to ask Nagel-Group CEO Carsten Taucke personally about his career path. “We want to provide vocational training that opens up opportunities and consistently supports you. We are experiencing turbulent times: Processes are changing, the energy and mobility transition must be driven forward and demographic change is impacting the labour market and the economy. We can overcome these challenges. Because we hold the trump cards: top graduates like you”, said Carsten Taucke, opening the second day.

At the Nagel-Group branch, it became clear on several occasions just how varied the career paths within Nagel-Group can be. Three speakers presented the top graduates with different career paths at Europe’s largest food logistics company. The opportunities are wide-ranging and open up a variety of prospects for junior staff. In workshops on the topic of ‘Career paths at Nagel-Group’, the graduates exchanged ideas with the company’s specialists and managers. “The personal exchange and sharing of experience is of central importance to us. This not only gives our young talents an insight into the diversity of career paths, but also allows them to play an active role in shaping their professional future,” says Kim Miyanji, Head of Strategic HR.