Nagel-Group supports sustainability and social projects with honey donation campaign 2025

Nagel-Group has organised its honey donation campaign for the fourth time in a row, once again setting an example for nature conservation, biodiversity and social commitment. The company has established nine bee colonies at its own locations over the past few years, and the honey produced from these generated proceeds of around €5,500 for the 2025 campaign.

Nagel-Group bees produced around 540 jars of honey. Employees at the sites were able to purchase the honey in return for a donation. Under the campaign headline “Donate once – help twice”, the money collected by the individual branches was matched euro for euro by the company.

“Our honey donation campaign shows that sustainability and social commitment can go hand in hand. We are delighted to not only make a contribution to biodiversity, but also to actively support regional initiatives. It is very important to us that our employees make the decision on where the donations go,” says Dr Holger Werthschulte, CFO of Nagel-Group.

Employees decide on donation recipients

The donations benefit regional initiatives selected by the employees at the respective locations. The following organisations benefited from the campaign this year:

Eschweiler: Haus St. Josef gGmbH
Hella Königsmann, branch manager at the Eschweiler site, handed over a donation cheque for €600 to Robert Wagner, managing director of Haus St. Josef gGmbH, child, youth and family services.

Schweitenkirchen: Kindergarten St. Johannes Schweitenkirchen
The St. Johannes kindergarten was delighted to receive a donation cheque from the Schweitenkirchen site and a big crowd of our “Paletto” Nagel teddies.

Versmold (Headquarters): CJD Child, Youth and Family Services Versmold
The CJD child, youth and family welfare organisation in Versmold was overjoyed to receive €610. “On behalf of the CJD, I would like to thank Nagel-Group for this fantastic campaign. We will use the donation to redesign our garden and create a meeting place for the children and young people surrounded by nature,” says Anika Schüler, Head of the CJD Versmold – Child, Youth and Family Services.

Borgholzhausen. PAB-Gesamtschule comprehensive school Borgholzhausen
The Borgholzhausen branch is once again making a donation to the PAB-Gesamtschule comprehensive school support organisation in Borgholzhausen. “The PAB-Gesamtschule comprehensive school has been our cooperation partner for many years, so it was important to us to put our backing behind the support association with a donation again this year,” says Christian Nollmann, Commercial Director of Nagel-Group Borgholzhausen.

Other organisations that benefited from the honey donation campaign are

  • Langenfeld: Wilhelm-Hardschen-School – school association
  • Achim: Löwenherz Children’s Hospice
  • Eschweiler: Haus St. Josef gGmbH
  • Reichenbach: Animal Rescue Centre Mittlerer Neckar
  • Wustermark: Falkensee Children’s Home
  • Bochum/Mülheim: St. Vinzenz Orphanage Bochum / St. Vinzenz e.V.

Each of the Nagel-Group sites mentioned is home to a bee colony, courtesy of our partner “beefuture”.

Sustainable commitment at Centre for Sustainable Corporate Management (ZNU) locations

This year’s fundraising campaign once again took place at nine Nagel-Group locations that are certified to Centre for Sustainable Corporate Management (ZNU) standards. The ZNU is an application-orientated research institute at Witten/Herdecke University and has created the basis for sustainable corporate management with its first holistic worldwide sustainability standard.

About the Nagel-Group

The Nagel-Group stands for perfectly networked food logistics throughout Europe. Over 11,000 employees work every day to reliably supply Europe with food at more than 130 locations. The company group moves 105,000 shipments of food consignments of all sizes and in all temperature ranges on a daily basis. Most recently, the company generated sales of €2.2 billion. Find out more about Nagel-Group and how the company manages to deliver the right goods at the right time and in the right quality every day.
Further information about Nagel-Group can be found at:

From left to right: Marie Hinzmann – Nagel-Group Press Officer; Christian Nollmann – Head of Business Service at the Nagel-Group Borgholzhausen site; Ulla Husemann – Headmistress of the PAB Comprehensive School; Muhra-Sena Albayrak – Personnel Development and Training Officer; Alexander Brinker – Chair of the PAB Comprehensive School Support Association
From left to right: Dr Holger Werthschulte – CFO of Nagel-Group; Anika Schüler – Head of CJD Versmold – Child, Youth and Family Services; Andrea Klare – Head of CJD Versmold – Child, Youth and Family Services; Marie Hinzmann – Nagel-Group Press Officer
From left to right: Hella Königsmann, Branch Manager at the Eschweiler site, Robert Wagner, Managing Director of Haus St. Josef gGmbH
Honigspende Schweitenkirchen
Donation handover at Schweitenkirchen site

Über die Nagel-Group

Die Nagel-Group steht für eine europaweit perfekt vernetzte Lebensmittellogistik. An mehr als 130 Standorten arbeiten über 11.000 Mitarbeitende jeden Tag daran, Europa zuverlässig mit Lebensmitteln zu versorgen. Täglich bewegt die Unternehmensgruppe 105.000 Sendungen verschiedenster Lebensmittel in allen Sendungsgrößen und Temperaturklassen. Zuletzt erwirtschaftete das Unternehmen einen Umsatz von 2,2 Milliarden Euro. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Nagel-Group und wie es dem Unternehmen gelingt, jeden Tag die richtige Ware zur richtigen Zeit und in der richtigen Qualität abzuliefern.
Weitere Informationen über die Nagel-Group unter:

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