From trainee to site manager: Florian Schmitt’s dynamic journey at Nagel-Group

In the world of logistics, where change and dynamism are the order of the day, constant development is essential. Florian Schmitt, who has now been with Nagel-Group for over two decades, has had an impressive career characterised by continuous learning and adaptation. From trainee forwarding agent to site manager in Würzburg, Florian has mastered a variety of challenges and gained valuable experience that has shaped him both professionally and personally. In our interview, he provides deep insights into his career, the challenges that have shaped him and the philosophies that guide him as a manager.

Florian, could you give us an insight into how your impressive journey at Nagel-Group began?

My career at Nagel-Group began 22.5 years ago, when I started my training as a forwarding agent in September 2001. Even then, my focus was on dispatching long-distance transport, which continued after I took over as a classic dispatcher. In 2014, I was appointed department manager and three years later I was promoted to transport manager. In September 2019, I took over the position of Forwarding Manager and was responsible for the relevant area. When the opportunity to take over the site management in Würzburg came up towards the end of last year, I immediately decided to do so. I have officially been site manager since 1 February 2024 and see my journey within the Nagel-Welt as a continuous development and enrichment.

Florian Schmitt, Standortleiter in Würzburg bei der Nagel-Group

Over two decades have passed. What experiences have shaped your professional career the most?

In more than two decades at Nagel-Group, I have gained numerous experiences that have shaped me both professionally and personally. In addition to my daily work in logistics, I was able to gain valuable insights into the company’s processes and challenges at various levels. These experiences have helped me to understand the importance of collaboration between the different departments and to recognise the importance of always keeping the whole company in mind in order to be successful.

Each phase of this long journey has had its highs and lows, which have been formative. With today’s perspective or experience, you naturally categorise the phases differently. The last 5 years were particularly formative, as my responsibilities increased and I experienced the years more consciously and intensively. During this time, the challenges predominated, including the loss of staff and the associated compensation, which proved to be particularly demanding.

How have you developed through the training opportunities at Nagel-Group?

A great many. There were always changes and the portfolio was and is constantly growing. There was a lot, such as talent management, Leading Simple, Leadership, Nagel Campus, individual seminars. I was allowed to go through a lot and was always well supported, but I also learnt a lot from everyday situations and, of course, from my colleagues and superiors. It was and is a good mix of theory and practice.

Now you are site manager. How do you feel in your new role as site manager and how does your many years of experience at Nagel-Group affect your management strategy?

First of all, I am proud to be able to fulfil this role. I feel good about it and I enjoy getting to know new areas every day and taking on more responsibility. In my role as site manager, topics such as budgeting, cost control, HR management and customer relations are becoming more of a focus. These responsibilities are new, even though I was already involved in many of these areas as a haulage manager. The change is therefore not quite as serious. In terms of managing and developing the team, I rely on open communication, clear objectives and individual support to create a positive working environment. I always endeavour to convey to employees the importance of understanding and changing perspectives, which is particularly important given my many years of experience at Nagel-Group.

How would you describe your relationship with Nagel-Group and what aspects of the work culture and the corporate brand do you particularly value?

My bond with Nagel-Group is particularly strong after many years with the company, as I have already spent more than half my life here. This close connection, together with a deep knowledge of many colleagues from the beginning of my career, fosters a trusting co-operation and a strong team spirit. I particularly appreciate the balanced mix of team spirit, openness and continuous striving for improvement that characterises the working culture here. Nagel-Group is characterised by its strength, trustworthiness and commitment and, as a long-established player in food logistics, offers secure career opportunities. The strong customer focus and the high value placed on employee development are also attractive. However, I also see potential to improve the company’s external image in order to raise its profile and make the many positive aspects of Nagel-Group even more visible.

What visions do you have for the future of the Würzburg site?

My vision is to gradually improve the Würzburg site and lay the foundations for long-term success and job satisfaction. I strive to develop Würzburg into a model of efficiency and employee satisfaction, placing great emphasis on the achievement of economic goals and being measured against them. At the same time, I want to promote a strong team spirit to ensure a harmonious and productive working environment.