Nagel-Group signs Diversity Charter: commitment to diversity and inclusion

Hamburg, Versmold. 04.06.2024. Nagel-Group has signed the Diversity Charter. With this step, the company reaffirms its commitment to a diverse and inclusive corporate culture. The signing of the Diversity Charter underlines Nagel-Group’s continuous endeavour to create a working environment in which respect and appreciation for all employees take centre stage.

“Signing the Diversity Charter is not just a symbolic act for us, but a clear mandate to actively promote diversity and inclusion. We are convinced that a diverse team enriches our company and forms the basis for our long-term success. Our diversity strengthens our company holistically and promotes innovation and creativity,” emphasises Carsten Taucke, CEO of Nagel-Group. “That’s why we focus on comprehensive awareness-raising and targeted training by using our Nagel Online Campus to educate all employees about the importance of diversity and inclusion and to break down unconscious bias.”

The Diversity Charter is an initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions, supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, Minister of State Reem Alabali-Radovan. By signing the pledge, Nagel-Group commits to promoting a corporate culture that is free of prejudice and in which all employees are valued and respected equally. This includes valuing diversity in terms of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity.

Reinhart Berggötz, Executive Director Human Resources at Nagel-Group, adds: “For us, diversity is an indispensable part of our corporate culture. With employees from over 92 nations, we live diversity every day, both internally and externally. Through the Diversity Charter, we are committed to continuously working to create a working environment in which every individual can develop and experience equal opportunities.”

Nagel-Group has been committed to social responsibility and sustainable action for many years. Nagel-Group implements inclusive recruitment processes by ensuring that job advertisements are free of discriminatory wording and that various selection committees take different perspectives into account. In addition, flexibility and support are offered through flexible working models by arrangement, such as part-time training, to meet the individual needs of employees and enable a better work-life balance.


About the Nagel-Group

Nagel-Group, which specialises in food logistics and operates throughout Europe, is based in Versmold and employs over 11,000 people at more than 130 locations. Most recently, the company generated a turnover of 2.2 billion euros. Every day, the group moves foodstuffs in all consignment sizes and temperature classes. Whether frozen products, meat, dairy products, coffee or confectionery – day after day, Nagel-Group works on behalf of industry and retail to ensure that consumers throughout Europe find the right goods at the right time and in the right quality at the point of sale. Nagel-Group thus makes a significant contribution to the success of its customers.

Press contact

Julian Mester <br>press spokesperson</br>

Julian Mester
press spokesperson