Logistikbude optimises reusable management of the Nagel-Group at all company locations
Dortmund / Hamburg, 05 January 2025 – Nagel-Group is relying on Logistikbude GmbH to optimise its reusable packaging management: with its software solution of the same name, the Dortmund-based start-up enables the digital real-time management of reusable items such as pallets or Euroboxes at all 130 company locations. The Group is thus taking a further step in its digitalisation and sustainability strategy and also simplifying internal administrative processes. As one of the leading food logistics companies in Europe, Nagel-Group transports goods in all consignment sizes and temperature classes. Full implementation of the solution should be completed in the first half of the year.

f.l.t.r.: Dr Philipp Hüning – Co-Founder & CEO Logistikbude; Jens Kleiner – COO of Nagel-Group; Michael Koscharnyj – Co-Founder & COO Logistikbude; Björn Hobusch – Head of Business Services & OpEx of Nagel-Group
‘Transforming load carrier management for an industry giant like Nagel-Group is an exciting project for us – and at the same time it shows that there is a great need, especially in the transport and logistics industry, to digitise returnable management. Not only to save costs, but above all to relieve the burden on our own employees,’ says Dr Philipp Hüning, CEO and co-founder of Logistikbude. The software solution developed at Fraunhofer IML makes all load carriers at Nagel-Group – from Euro pallets and plastic pallets (H1) to Euro boxes – digitally visible across all locations in real time. ‘In future, every load carrier that passes through the Nagel-Welt will be booked and reconciled by the logistics centre,’ says Hüning. This optimises coordination processes so that employees are relieved and can concentrate fully on their main activities. The digital visibility of the loading aids also reduces the repurchase rate, as Euroboxes cannot simply ‘disappear’ from the value chain. This saves emissions on the one hand and costs for avoidable new purchases on the other.
Reusable management of the future: transparency and automation
‘As one of the pioneers of digital transformation in the logistics industry, part of our strategy is to constantly optimise our processes in order to make work as easy as possible for our team and use our resources efficiently,’ says Jens Kleiner, COO of Nagel-Group. ‘The cloud-based software from Logistikbude can be integrated directly into our existing processes and is therefore quickly ready for use – that convinced us straight away.’ The software solution also offers numerous helpful tools, including intelligent forecasting and inventory and demand planning, which make it easier to manage the company’s own load carrier stock. Recurring entries can be easily automated with the help of automated booking. Nagel-Group’s customers also benefit from digitalised returnable management: they can also use a web link to track where the booked load carriers are located, which significantly improves both communication with each other and customer satisfaction.

f.l.t.r.: Dr Philipp Hüning – Co-Founder and CEO Logistikbude; Jens Kleiner – COO of Nagel-Group
Implementing and continuously developing customised solutions
As the basis for the collaboration, the Logistikbude team took deep dives into the processes at various Nagel-Group sites and evaluated them. ‘In this way, we ensure that the functions of our software solution are optimally adapted to local requirements. We also implement employees’ wishes and suggestions. They know their own processes best and will ultimately use our software solution,’ says Hüning. The company-wide implementation is expected to be completed in the first half of the year. At the same time, the software is constantly being developed further in order to respond to customer requirements, utilise technical developments and evolve with the market. ‘Our software is based on current technologies, such as artificial intelligence in image processing or the Internet of Things (IoT), which will only get better and more widespread in the coming years. We will also continuously refine and optimise our software solution for our partners.’