
Responsible for website content

Nagel-Group Logistics SE
Friedrich-Menzefricke-Str. 6
D-33775 Versmold

Telefon: +49 5423 9600
Telefax: +49 5423 960 122

Registration office: Gütersloh
Registration no.: HRB 12762

Chairperson of the Administrative Board: Marion Nagel
Directors: Carsten Taucke (CEO), Michael Lütjann, Dr. Holger Werthschulte, Jens Kleiner

VAT registration no.: DE 811502115

Responsible for the content in accordance with § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Julian Mester
Nagel-Group Logistics SE
Friedrich-Menzefricke-Str. 6
D-33775 Versmold

Supervisory authority:

District of Gütersloh
– The District Administrator –
Herzebrocker Straße 140
D-33334 Gütersloh
Phone: 05241 / 85 1265

Federal Office for Road Haulage
Werderstrasse 34
D-50672 Cologne
Tel.: 0221 / 5776-0

(Insurance) Broker Register:
Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) e.V., Breite Straße 29, 10178 Berlin, Tel: 0180 600585-0 (20 cent/call from a German landline, maximum 60 cent/call from mobile networks).

Register retrieval: under the following registration number: D-SEBU-F1SL5-60

Licence exemption according to § 34 d Abs. 6 GewO, granted by the IHK Ostwestfalen zu Bielefeld, Elsa-Brandström-Straße 1-3, 33602 Bielefeld,

Reference to linked pages

Our website contains links to other internet sites. In the case of all these links, we have no influence whatsoever on the design and content of the linked sites. We therefore hereby expressly disassociate ourselves from all content of all sites linked from anywhere in this website, including any subpages. This declaration applies to all links, banners and search engines linked from this website, and to all contents of sites reached via links, banners or search engines on this website.

Trademarks & Copyrights

The content and design of internet sites of Nagel-Group Logistics SE, and of text,images, graphics and files etc. that are used on the website, are subject to copyright law and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. They may not be forwarded, modified, used for commercial purposes, or used elsewhere e.g. in other websites or media.

All other trademarks that are not explicity specified are the property of the relevant companies.

Concept, design and realization

Wire Hamburg GmbH