For me, EMPOWER means: flexible conditions that enable me as a young mother to combine my private and professional responsibilities.

Christina Lütke-Frie

Position: HR developer

Part of Nagel-Group since: October 2016

My career at Nagel-Group and before that:


2014 Social and Organisational Educational Theory (M.A.) | HR and organisational development

2015 - 2016

HR developer at a university | Demand-oriented design & implementation of HR development measures

Oktober 2016

HR developer | Nagel-Group

My journey at Nagel-Group began about four years ago. Since then, I have been able to get to know our company from two different perspectives.
One perspective is in my role as a HR developer, where I work to create the best possible conditions for my colleagues. I always find it particularly exciting getting to know all the varied fields of activity within the company (also internationally) and to incorporate this knowledge in my work.

The other perspective is that I have been able to constantly develop as an employee myself, both professionally and personally, over the past few years. This development is in no small part down to the exciting and challenging tasks that the company entrusts to committed employees. Those who are willing to take on responsibility are given the chance to introduce and put into practice their own theories and ideas.

For me, what marks Nagel-Group out most of all is the fact that many dedicated colleagues work day in, day out to make our company even better. I very much enjoy working in this environment, and it is great fun to get involved.