For me, EMPOWER means: striving for continuous improvement.

Lukas Lechtermann

Position: Employee in the Operations division

Part of Nagel-Group since: 2015

My career at Nagel-Group and before that:


Degree in Geography (BSc) at the Ruhr University Bochum


Apprenticeship as commercial operative for forwarding and logistics services at Nagel-Group


Dual study at Nagel-Group I Business administration with a focus on logistics (BA)


Employee in the Operations division

After completing my geography degree, I wanted to change my professional focus again. So, I started an apprenticeship as a commercial operative for forwarding and logistics services at Nagel-Group. After starting my apprenticeship, I was offered a dual-study programme in business studies/logistics, which I completed in early 2020. Following that, I was taken on permanently in the Operations division, where I am responsible for performing various analyses and implementing projects in the branches.

The range of my duties is particularly fascinating. Within Nagel-Group, we consider ourselves as service providers for the branches. Our task is to continuously develop Nagel-Group’s transport network in economic and qualitative terms. My position gives me an insight into all of Nagel-Group’s branches. It never fails to impress me how employees from different divisions work so well together across Europe to generate value for the company.

My apprenticeship and dual studies at Nagel-Group gave me the ideal preparation for my current job. Working in different departments has allowed me to understand how all the individual cogwheels in the company interlock. The same applies to our department. Everyone brings with them a unique skill set from which everybody benefits. In particular, us younger “logistics stars” (our manager’s words) benefit from the wisdom of our experienced co-workers. Every single day brings something exciting and informative with it.